
 We all go on Journeys

 We all at times
within our lives
go on more than one journey.

Perhaps you have been
on many journeys
within your life.

Some people go on
quite a number of journeys
just within one year,
this depends usually
upon their profession.
As some people travel
a great deal in their work.

Whereas some only
journey a few times in
the same time period,
perhaps this is for
a holiday or visiting relatives.

There is also a journey
we take in different areas
of our lives, such as we could
be upon a journey within
our careers or also your 
family life.

As Christians we know
that there are many journeys
in life, some of the journeys
that we find ourselves upon
can be hard and a difficult 
route to be upon.

But there also can be
journeys that can be both
enjoyable and exciting.
Then there are those that can
cause nervousness and 
others still a sense of anticipation.

Within the Church there
are many journeys it goes
upon, again some can be hard,
others instructive.

For the individuals within
the Church there are journeys
for them to take within the
context of the Church. But
to take the journey they 
sometimes have to prepare 
for it.

We are on a journey
in our trust, faith, belief, love,
devotion, obedience and so
much more in God, these are all
journeys which need guidance and
for us to follow the directions
found in our map.

This is of course
the bible, we need to
pay careful attention
to the things written or
we could take a wrong turn
on many of the journeys we are upon.

We also are on a journey
in our relationship with God,
this is a continual journey
that will last forever.


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