
 Where is your home?

 This is a question that
has perhaps more than
one possible answer.

If we are fortunate,
in life we begin with a 
home with the family
which we grow up with.

Though the place in which
you lived may have changed
more than once, yet each new
place became your home.

Then perhaps you are at or have
passed the stage when you
move out of your parents
house and into a place of your own.

This place then becomes your home,
yet the previous place where
you dwelt still may for
a while also feel like home to you.

Throughout our lives we
may know a good many places that
we accept as and welcome as our home.

As Christians we know that
the obvious answer to the
question is that our home is
with God in heaven.

We look to this, we
long for this and we
know that someday we
will have this home.

Yet, though we look ahead
for this, what of now?
We still have a home here and 
we should have more than one of them.

We have a home where we live
and we also should have a 
home where we have and
know true life, our
home with God starts before 
we get there.

This is due to us belonging to him
and through this being made
alive by his Holy Spirit who dwells
within us.

Also though we should have 
another home, this is
a home where we should
always know support and comfort.

This of course is the Church 
to which we belong, this
should and needs to be a home 
for us.

We need to be able to see and 
know this as a home
and therefore where we 

So let us enjoy our
many homes that we have
in life, both actual and
symbolic, let us also
know that our home is in and
with God always.


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