
 Do people always listen?

 One thing that is certain
is that people
want to be heard.

We all want people to
listen to what we have
to say, whether they
are someone that we know
well or not.

There can of course be
many different topics of
conversation,  dependant upon your listeners
one subject may be
more interesting than another to some.

But sometimes when an individual
is talking, they can tell
that the one they are speaking
to is not really listening.

It could be that they
may have other things
upon their minds at that time
or it could be that they
just are not interested in
what is said.

Within the Church though, can
this or does this happen? 
When we speak to other
Christians within the Church
to which we belong, we should
expect them to listen.

Also we should also ourselves
be prepared to listen to 
what people say, it may be that
they have a need of either
advice or just someone to
listen to them.

We also should always
listen to the sermons that
are spoken, as within
them can be found much.
We should listen, then 
carefully consider what is spoken.

Listening is a quality
that is important to have
within the Church. This 
quality is not just for
those within the church but
also for those that are not.

We want people to listen
to us when we 
speak of the good news, yet
do we also take the time
to actually listen to what 
they have to say?

We also most definitely must
spend time listening to
God, we do this as
we read the bible and also
as we pray, but God can
sometimes speak to us when
we least expect it and from
sometimes the most unlikely source.

We just need to be
able to listen and
with our full attention
so we do not miss
what God wants us to hear.


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