There's never enough TIME
Where does time go?
One of the things that we
can always be certain of in life,
is that time passes.
Time doesn't always pass
in the way we want.
Why is that time seems to
at times pass very quickly,
yet at other times it goes
very slowly?
Usually this is because
during those times when
time seems to drag we are
perhaps doing something which
we do not enjoy or is monotonous.
Whereas upon other occasions
when time races away from us
is usually when we want something
to last longer and so because of this
it seems to go quickly.
Within church events and church life
this can also and very often is the case.
There can be things that need to be
done which we ourselves and
many others do not wish to do.
With this we either avoid doing them
or if we do actually decide to complete the
task, it seems to take far too long.
So the next time we can be
less likely to do it.
Yet the things we enjoy in church
we can be very quick to
volunteer for or put ourselves
forward to do.
Anything that we do for God
can be and is the same,
we don't seem to have the
time, or don't want to spend
the time doing whatever it may be.
For others it can be that time
may seem to have passed you by,
and the things that you believed God
wanted you to do are now impossible;
you believe that you have missed
your opportunity.
We need to learn to make the
most of time, and serve God with
the time that we have, whatever it may be,
even if it is something we may not love to do.
Let us make the most of time
in living for God.
"All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us."