
 Do you have Favourites?

 One thing that is
certain in our lives
and that is throughout them,
we are sure to have favourites.

We can and most likely
do have a favourite
type of food or drink,
or at times we say
that we have more than
one favourite of these.

We can have a favourite
 television program
or a favourite film which
we love to watch, or
perhaps a favourite genre of these.

Also people can and do have
a favourite type of music
which they like to listen
to, with this a favourite
radio station that play such.

People can have favourite
sports which either they
enjoy to participate in
or love to watch.

There are many things within
our lives as Christians, where
we can and do have favourites.

In Church we also can have
a favourite of something,
there can be a favourite event
which you like to go to,
a favourite song you like to sing,
again there are many possible
favourites we can have.

Sometimes people in Church
have a favourite seat which
they like to sit upon,
others can have favourite
people which they like
to associate with, 
others can have a favourite
preacher which they like
to listen to.

We can also have a 
favourite bible verse, chapter
or book which we love to 
read and find comforting or
helpful when seeking guidance.

It, of course is not wrong
for us to have favourites in 
many things, but sometimes
we have to be careful to
not let our favourites exclude
all others.

This can be with people in
the Church, we must not allow
having those we see as our favourites
to come before others, nor
those who we like to speak to
above those we may not.

What also we must be careful
of is that our favourite parts of
scripture must not exclude all
others, even when troubles come, 
as this can hinder our
ability to receive guidance from God.

The same of course applies 
to the preachers we listen to,
we may pay greater attention
to those we think of
as favourites, but then we can
miss what God wants us to
hear from others when
our minds wander.

Favourites can of course
be good to have, but let us 
always be open to all 
and to new things and 
ideas which may be 
God inspired.


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