
Freedom in our lives.

When we think of freedom what comes to mind?  

 Do we think of those imprisoned? 
Do we think of Freedom of choice?
Do we think of Freedom of speech?
Do we think of Freedom in and from troubles?
Do we think of Freedom from debt?
Do we think of Freedom from sin?
Do we think of Freedom in Christ?

There are perhaps many different things that come to mind
in what many would consider as our day to day living,
and also within our Christian walk.
However, the two really are one,
as our whole life is a walk with God.

But Freedom is something that for many is elusive. 
In one or more of the things mentioned,
whether through circumstances
or choices made by us or others for us,
in jobs, in family, in Government and many more.

So how do we live in Freedom completely in our lives?
The simple fact is we cannot, due to many reasons;
due to sin, mans' desires, circumstances made by our choices or others,
and many other possible reasons.

However, if we bring Christ into all of the things we need Freedom in,
if we allow him, he will help us to see and know
Freedom in him through all of our problems.
Though the problems may still be there,
we need to realise he is with us through them all.


  1. A great insight into freedom and our walk with God in our day to day lives. In Christ we have our freedom and our strength, Amen.


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