
 What do we think of this?

 When we consider
eternity, what thoughts
do we have and
what are they based upon?

Many people have differing
views on eternity,
even those who do not
believe in a God have
at least a viewpoint on this.

Some simply do not believe
that they have an eternity.
They see their existence 
and that of others as
being over once their
time in this life is over.

There are those who
also believe that
there is nothing that is 
eternal, the individual
or the physical universe.

Whereas some believe in
an eternity but do not
have a definite belief
in God.

We who have a belief, faith
hope and trust in God do
of course believe in
an eternity.

We believe in an 
eternal God, who is
El-Olam- the 
everlasting God or 
God of eternity.

We accept this and believe
this, though we may
not fully understand or
comprehend it.

We know that we have
an eternity with God,
yet we also know that those 
who do not also
have an eternity as well.

Sometimes we see our
eternity as beginning when
we leave this life,
which is in one way true.

Yet we also have to realise
that though we have not
yet entered the eternal state
promised, our eternity with God
began when we gave ourselves to him.

We have this eternity
guaranteed for us, not
because of anything we
have done but because of
what Christ Jesus 
did for us.

So when we consider eternity
let us allow this to
encourage us into
action for God and
for the lost who do not
know him.


  1. Yes, this message makes me think of a Christian worship song, 'we will meet him in the air and then we will be like him, for we will see him as he is, then all hurt and pain will cease and we'll be with him forever and in his glory we will live with him.'
    Amazing and uplifting message for all us Christians who will have an eternal everlasting life with God, amen.


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