
 What do you consider nature to be?

 Nature is something
that can be taken
in more than one way.

We can see nature as
being the natural 
world around us.

Many people appreciate
nature and love to walk
whilst looking at
some of natures wonders.

Others prefer to watch
television programmes,
of which there have been many,
which show things from
nature that we may never
ourselves get to see.

Then there is also the
nature of things, that is
the nature of living things,
we see this with all such things.

Also there within this is
human nature, which
some believe us all to
have. But what is this

Human nature is really
linked to the soul, yet within
human nature there is a
problem which philosophers 
do not recognise.

We as Christians, though do
understand the problem with
human nature and 
that is of course sin.

That is evident within mankind
and therefore within human nature
we have within us the
desire for sin.

This desire is tempered by
our self control and so
also our will power and
so then also our will.

The sinful nature is not
something that we acquire
through sinful living though,
the sinful nature is part
of the fall of mankind.

We were not created with
this nature but through
the first man and woman's 
disobedience, sins curse
now lives in us.

This though is not just restrained
by self control, but by
us submitting ourselves more
to Christ's rule and reign 
within our lives.

This is possible through belonging
to him, which came through his
sacrifice upon the cross, his
death and resurrection.

As we submit to him
and follow his word, we
then begin to display not
the sinful nature but 
another nature that became 
evident within us upon when
we became Christians.

This nature is his
nature, we can show his
nature within us as
he now lives within us through
the Holy Spirit, this nature
is seen through all mentioned
so far but more besides.
We also need obedience, love
and more.

But let us more each day
desire to live for him and
desire to live like him. Then also 
apply all we know of him
and the bible to our lives
and we more will show his
nature and not the 
sinful nature.


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