
How many commands have you broken?

There possibly are quite a 
few commands which
we have received
within our lives.

Some of the commands
which we may have received
though we may not quite take 
as a command, or
understand that it was 
an actual command.

In peoples' careers or places
of employment, sometimes
a command is given to
an employee and it may
not be seen as such
or taken as a request 
or suggestion.

There are also those
who are in authority, such as 
politicians or those within the military
who also give commands, but these
expect to be obeyed.

Which of course they 
should be, and unless
the individual wishes to
be reprimanded in 
some way, their commands 
are followed.

Why though within
the Church do some not 
then follow the same 
example, as for
example soldiers who
follow their commanding officers'
commands as they are given.

This of course does not
refer to members of the 
congregation blindly 
following commands of 
those placed above them.

Though they should be respected,
yet they are human and their 
commands will not always
be correct or even in
the plans of God.

The commands we should follow 
are those given by Jesus,
and what we read within
the Word of God.

There are many commands 
given within the bible, the
question that we always need to
ask is, which ones still
now apply to us?

This is something which, for
some of the commands can for
some, be quite difficult to understand.
As they are relevant for
the children of Israel in the
Old Testament.

Yet are they relevant to
us now?
Some of course are
and yet some through
the death and resurrection 
of Jesus, now are not.

With all such things, it is
necessary to read, study
the bible and then pray and
seek God with each individual
thing you read.
Then follow what you believe 
to be right.


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