
 Do you ever encounter Apathy?

 This is something which
we all know and have 
seen many times
within our lives.

We may have known or know
someone who is generally quite
apathetic or perhaps extremely so.

How many times have you
heard someone say of something
that many found exciting and
adventurous, that it will not work,
it cannot be done,
it is a waste of time and effort?

How often do you think
that people that you
know well, have actually
thought such things?

But also if you were
honest with yourself,
how often have
you yourself both thought these
things and also spoken them?

Within the Church how
many times has apathy
caused problems which
are not at all necessary?

But also how often has
an event failed because
more than one individual 
is apathetic regarding the possible
results of the event and just
how effective it will be?

What impact upon others
can these apathetic, negative
and defeatist speech and attitudes 

Because it is not just the
things that people say in
the Church, but also their
demeanour which can easily
be seen to be apathetic.

How about ourselves,
have we ever been the one to
have an apathetic heart and 
attitude or speech, which others 
may have found wrong
or even upsetting? 

What of the things that
we do within the Church?
Are we ever apathetic within them?

We need more and more to
learn not to allow
our thoughts, our hearts, our
actions, our attitude and our
speech fall into apathy, which
can be damaging to others,
to ourselves and also
possibly to the Church as well.

Let us more learn to
trust in God in all
things, believe in God for more
and work towards all things
with a heart of love and
devotion to God.
Then there will be
no room in our lives for apathy.


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