
 Do we have many True Friends?

 Friends are something
that we may have
many of within
our lives.

But how many of the
friends that we have
throughout our lives can
we truly say are what
we can call true friends
or close friends.

Children at an early
age make friends, usually
quite easily, then just
as easily they say that
they are not friends with
one of those other children.

Older children sometimes
have slightly fewer friends, 
some have more some have

Then as adults we generally
are far more careful
with those who we really
consider to be friends. 

How many of the friends 
that you have known 
throughout your life can
you truly say that you can
trust with anything, 
whether it be a task
or even a secret?

Popularity in life
tends to bring more friends
to an individual, but are
they actually real friends?

Within the church we may
find that there are some 
that we are closer to than

But even with those
within the church, are there
many that we would trust
completely with anything?

How easily do we find
it, even in the church,
to sometimes allow
others to get close to us?

The people within the 
church are just like us,
they are human, they have
strengths and weaknesses,
they have belief, faith and
trust in God.

Our closest friend that we
should have and know is
of course God. But even
then though he is
completely trustworthy and 
reliable, do we always treat
him as our closest true friend?
We obviously should, but 
sometimes do not. 

We need to accept that
God is everything that a true 
friend can be.

So let us within our
lives be willing to both 
give and accept friends, 
to be there to help and encourage.

It could be that the friendship 
of God can be seen through
your actions and speech to another.


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